12 January, 2007

Western Cape Biodiversity Conservation Bill - Call for expression of interest

CapeNature, in terms of the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board Act, 1998, calls for expressions of interest by suitable persons with respect to the finalisation and promulgation of the proposed Western Cape Biodiversity Conservation Bill and consequent regulations to repeal the Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1974 as well as a Bill to repeal the Problem Animal Control Ordinance, 1957.

For the full text of the proposal call or further information please contact:

Jodie Johnson
Law Administration Manager: Legal
Western Cape Nature Conservation Board
(t/a CapeNature)
CapeNature House
Belmont Business Park
Belmont Road
Private Bag X29
Tel: (021) 659-3426
Fax: (021) 659-3415
email: jojohnso at pgwc.gov.za