23 February, 2007

Electronic Database on African Plant Information ...

The three larger SANBI herbaria, The National Herbarium, Pretoria, The
Compton Herbarium, Cape Town, and the KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium, Durban,
during the past three years collaborated with Aluka in building an
electronic database on African plant information. SANBI was one of the
34 participants in the project and contributed more than 20 725 high
resolution images of type specimens held in the three herbaria, together
with numerous images of slides and artwork held in its collections. The
Aluka resource now holds more than 260 000 images and
descriptive texts of plants from Africa and Madagascar contributed to
date by the participants. This resource will be officially launched at
the AETFAT congress that will be held in Yaounde, Cameroon in February 2007.

This resource can now be accessed at http://www.aluka.org.
A help facility can be accessed at http://www.aluka.org/page/help/index.jsp,
and contents areas and descriptions at

It is inevitable that you will come across mistakes in the database.
These you can report to the contact person below.

Dr J.P. (Koos) Roux
Curator: Compton Herbarium
Private Bag X7
Claremont 7735
South Africa

Tel.: +27 21 799 8681
Fax: +27 21 761 4151
e-mail: roux@sanbi.org
website: www.sanbi.org.