Rhodes University: Short course on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedures
Course dates: Monday 7 May to Friday 11 May 2007
Rhodes University's Departments of Environmental Science and Botany, in conjunction with Coastal & Environmental Services (CES), are offering another short course on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedures at Rhodes University, Grahamstown during May 2007.
For more information on this course, please obtain a brochure (in pdf format) and registration form (Word document) from the contact person below.
Please forward this information to anybody you feel may be interested in attending a course in Environmental Impact Assessment procedures.
Should you have any queries about this EIA short course, please contact :
Lisl Griffioen
Short course coordinator
Coastal & Environmental Services
P O Box 934
6140, South Africa
Tel: 046-622 4455
Fax: 046-622 6564