07 August, 2006

Revision of Table Mountain National Park Management Plan ...

The TMNP is currently reviewing/developing the TMNP Management Plan.
The three documents (Park management Plan, Conservation Development Framework and Tokai-Cecilia Management Framework) are all interrelated management tools that will guide the management of the Park into the future.

Open days, with a focus on Tokai-Cecilia, will be held for the purpose of presenting these draft documents for public comment:
Date: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th August 2006 Time: 14h00 to 19h00
Tokai-Cecilia Workshops: 17:00 on both days
Venue: The Main Hall, Chrysalis Academy, Porter School, Tokai

For further information please contact:
Park Management Plan:
Mike Slayen (michaels@sanparks.org)
Chad Cheney (chadc@sanparks.org)
Table Mountain National Park
Tel: 021 – 701 8692
Fax: 021 701 8773

Conservation Development Framework:
Rod Cronwright (rodc@setplan.co.za)
iKapa Enviroplan
Tel: 021-422-1946
Fax: 021-424-3490

Tokai-Cecilia Management Framework:
Sarien Lategan (sarien@geostratics.co.za )
Geostratics CC: Town Planners, Environmental consultants, Research
Tel. 021-8510078
Fax 021-8520966