Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the South African Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, gazetted South Africa's first Integrated Coastal Management Bill for public comment for a period of 90 days. You should be able to download it from the following website later today:
You can get the bill in two parts in pdf, (they are about 1.9 Mb each), and a press release for information from Dr Niel Malan (see contact details below).
Please note that DEAT will release a brief user-friendly guide to assist coastal stakeholders during the comments period. It will also hold a series of information sessions along the coastline. Dedicated provincial coastal committee meetings will also be held. Details will be made available in due course, but will fall over the period end January to beginning March 2007.
It will be appreciated if you can distribute the Bill widely.
Comments from our overseas colleagues will also be appreciated.
Further info and comments to:
Dr D.E. (Niel) Malan
Deputy Director: Coastal Planning & Environmental Protection
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
Private Bag X2
Rogge Bay
Cape Town
8012Tel: +27-21-4023021
Fax: +27-21-4023009