05 December, 2006
Proposal call to finalise the WCape Prov Guideline on Biodiversity Offsets ...
Please note that the call for proposals to finalise the Western Cape Provincial Guideline on Biodiversity Offsets was advertised in the Government Tender Bulletin on Friday 24 November 2006 (Open Tender EADP 20/2006).
The relevant advertisement can be obtained from the Provincial Tender Bulletin .
Please note that the Tender closes at 11:00 am on 15 December 2006.
For tender documentation please contact Ms Inshaaf Brennen at tel: (021) 483 3572, fax: 483 5112 and e-mail: ibrennen@pgwc.gov.za
Gerhard Gerber
Directorate Integrated Environmental Management
Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning
Private Bag X9086 Cape Town 8000
Tel: (021) 483 2787 & fax: (021) 483 4372
E-mail: Gegerber@pgwc.gov.za